If you have a task using Coded answer sheets but you have pupils who need to type out their answer

The most efficient way to carry out No More Marking assessment tasks is to use the Coded answer sheet facility. When you upload the PDF scans, the system looks for the 7-figure code on the bottom left of the page. The first 6 alphanumeric characters identify the pupil and the last numeric digit identifies the page number in case there is more than one page from the pupil.


You can see the 6-figure Codes for all the pupils in the task by going to the Candidates page, and also by downloading the candidates CSV file from that page:



However, you may have a situation where a pupil cannot write on the Coded answer sheets and instead need to type their answer. In this case, they can type their answer in Microsoft Word using this template:

Template 2.docx

The pupils will then need the following instructions:

They can then send this PDF to their teacher who can check that the PDF is in the correct format and then this can be uploaded to the task along with the other Coded answer sheet scans.